MegaPOL Barrier Desander Field Trial

Specialized Desanders MegaPOL was installed on an Alberta well site to gather quality research and development.


• 99.8% of particulate captured
• 200L (52.8gal) of particulate stopped
• Particulate stopped below 1 micron  


Stacked Barrier Plates inside the MegaPOL


The bulk of the particulate is between 25 and 135 microns. The chart identifies the particulate size in microns along the X-Axis and the volume percentage on the Y-Axis.


An Alberta client was finishing flowing back a well pad and would be decommissioning the test package. In consultation with well site operations, the MegaPOL was set up to quantify the amount of sand passing through the test package and capture that sand before it made it off site while also collecting data to measure the performance of the MegaPOL.


The MegaPOL had 2 wells combined flowing through it. At the end of the job, the MegaPOL was sucked out onsite at the midpoint of the vessel to leave the solids in the vessel. At the shop, an air line was connected, and the remaining fluid, sand, and particulate were discharged into a containment tub. The fluid which was discharged had a black floating emulsion including a black fine particulate. This emulsion did not settle out or change its state. The filter stacks were evenly coated with the same fine black particulate and some sand from top to bottom indicating the desired even flow across all filters. During the final hours of flow on the site, the MegaPOL experienced differential pressure of 280-300kpa (41-44psi), while the average DP for this project was 70-80kpa (10-12psi).


Testing was completed by AGAT to measuring particle size using laser diffraction. Particles smaller than 1 micron were stopped. The MegaPOL stopped 200L (52.8gal) of particulate, 99.8% of the total load seen.
The total time the MegaPOL was in production was 408 hours.

The 1.32m (52”) MegaPOL will handle ¾ of a tonne of sand efficiently and 3975m3 (25,000 bbl) of water per day. Ideal for group collector line into a group separator or produced water dump filtration applications.

We can incorporate a blow down vessel in the MegaPOL set up, ask us about customized solutions.


MegaPOL Case Study